Getting arrested for DUI is never easy, but getting arrested for DUI in Rhode Island is even worse. With some of the toughest, most penal DUI laws in the country, getting arrested for DUI in Rhode Island means that you need to immediately call Chad Bank, Esq., the most experienced Middletown DUI lawyer to handle your case and fight for your rights. No matter if this is your first-ever DUI charge, or you’ve been accused (and convicted) of DUI before, an experienced Middletown DUI lawyer like Chad Bank, Esq., can get you the justice you deserve.
What are the benefits of hiring an experienced Middletown DUI lawyer like Chad Bank, Esq.?
There are many benefits of hiring an experienced Middletown DUI lawyer like Chad Bank, Esq., to handle your case.
A Middletown DUI lawyer knows the law – and the courts – inside and out
The importance of knowing both the law and the courts, cannot be overstated. A Middletown DUI lawyer like Chad Bank, Esq., knows how important it is to know all the finer points of the American criminal justice system and help you use the law to your advantage. He will be able to find all the legal loopholes that exist in your case – and there will be many – and he will be able to help use those loopholes to your advantage.
But more important than just knowing the law, however, an experienced Middletown DUI lawyer like Chad Bank, Esq., will know about the nuances of the court system. Whether it be understanding the nuances of a judge, or of a prosecutor, Chad Bank, Esq., can help you navigate through these admittedly difficult waters of the criminal justice system of Rhode Island. And no matter how difficult the case against you may seem in your mind’s eye, a Middletown DUI lawyer like Chad Bank, Esq., can help you solve it.
A Middletown DUI attorney can help you with a plea bargain
One of the best-kept secrets of the criminal justice system is that, often, prosecutors don’t like to take a case to trial. While there are several reasons why this is so, an experienced Middletown DUI lawyer like Chad Bank, Esq., can help you with a plea bargain.
For those who are unfamiliar with the term, a plea bargain is when you, as the defendant, plead guilty to a lesser charge than you were initially accused of, in exchange for having the case disposed of quickly and easily. While it’s easier to a plea bargain in cases where you haven’t been charged with DUI before, having prior convictions doesn’t preclude you from getting offered a plea bargain in your case. Talk to an experienced Middletown DUI lawyer like Chad Bank, Esq., to find out what your options are.
A Middletown DUI lawyer can present you with options that you never considered in your case
In theory, you could hire any type of attorney to handle your DUI case. But the reality is, why would you? You wouldn’t hire a plumber to fix your cable, so why would you hire an attorney who doesn’t specialize in DUIs to handle your DUI case? Yes, of course, they are both lawyers. Yes, of course, they are both well qualified in the eyes of the American Bar Association. But only one has been exclusively handling cases like yours: Chad Bank, Esq., the most experienced Middletown DUI lawyer in Rhode Island.
A Middletown DUI lawyer will offer a free, no obligation consultation
Finally, but certainly no less importantly, one of the best things about a Middletown DUI lawyer like Chad Bank, Esq., is that he is always pleased to offer a free, no obligation consultation to all his prospective clients to discuss the specific facts of their cases. While no two cases are exactly alike, and while past results do not necessarily guarantee future success, Chad Bank, Esq., takes pride in being one of the most experienced attorneys in the area, who has served Rhode Island residents for more than a decade. By offering a free, no obligation consultation to those who he is trying to help, he can discuss the particulars of your case, and come up with a plan of action that works best for you.
You needn’t face the prospect of a DUI conviction alone. With an attorney that specializes in DUIs, especially one that has handled hundreds of DUI cases just like yours in Rhode Island, you can get the charges against you reduced, and in some cases, outright dismissed. Chad Bank, Esq., is here to fight for your rights and get you the justice you deserve. For more information on how Chad Bank, Esq., can help you fight your DUI case, contact us today, and find out for yourself why Chad Bank, Esq., is the Middletown DUI lawyer you can trust with your case!